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Corax The Horus Heresy, Book 40

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Gav Thorpe wrote Angels of Caliban and now after a break of one part the author again gets a chance to finish what he started. Like the previous part this one is also narrated by John Banks the chemistry between Gav and Banks has really developed over the years because of which this time they do the narration in combo.

Fights again in this book and that’s what we have been witnessing but the saga has never made the fans tired of all this stuff. Raven Guard faced the real attack from the enemy in Isstvan and then in Deliverance but they are not running away.

The Warmaster has left them with no choice except to form a platform of their own for the protection of the universe. More and more fighters who have been dragged into all of this by the Warmaster are now with the Raven Guard and perhaps a time will comes when they will attack back instead of just defending the Legion. Corax will serve as the last resort for those who seek vengeance from the Horus and his sons.

Corax The Horus Heresy, Book 40

If someone has no idea of the Raven Guard before then he does not need to go back to the old parts of the series because this one book has it all associated to the Raven Guard. All the stuff that Gav Thorpe has written previously about the Guard is there in different sections of the book. Pure delight is what this book brings even for those who have listen a lot about this last defense of the Solar System against the accursed Warmaster known as the Horus.


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