The Odyssey


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The Odyssey is an epic tale written originally by Homer in the 9th or 8th century BC. There are few doubts about the origin of this epic tale but historians are quite convinced that from where this amazing Greek war tale is coming from. The book is translated into English from Greek by Emily Wilson. The Odyssey is the 2nd chapter of the Iliad & Odyssey series. There are other literature classics from Homer which include the likes of Homer Box Set: Iliad & Odyssey and The Iliad.

The narration of this epic classic in the audio version is done by Claire Danes. She is an acclaimed actress and managed to burnish an amazing tale of gods, heroes, and monsters. The tale is of the great adventure and about Odysseus, the wily warrior king. He set off from his home post the Trojan War and had no idea that this simple journey will become a highly precious one for as long as a decade.

The Odyssey

He was beset at almost every turn of his journey and encountered a range of obstacles, temptations, and detours as well. The challenges were both human and supernatural while Penelope, his wife fends off the would-be suitors who were frantic of capturing the throne.

Emily Wilson is the first woman ever to take this huge and complicated task of translating a script of over 100,000 lines. The poem is believed to be some three millennia-old and the effort by her is just so commendable. Her rendition of this epic ancient Greek poem captures the great poetic essence of the original text and it allows listeners with a great experience that is hard to capture in words.

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