Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls Audiobook


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Audiobooks For You!

Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls

The sixth book in the Emily Windsnap series takes us again to a wonderland which this time has some relation with the lost island of Atlantis thus the writer Liz Kessler wants to make the story an epic one by solving the riddle of Atlantis according to his view. Like the whole series the story has an adventure and an element of a thrill as well thus the reader never feels any dullness throughout the story. The story starts with a mystery that makes us more inclined to its progress when we hear about a ship that appears after a particular span of years on the horizon. The progress of the story is also quick so that one can feel that everything has to be done before the ship goes down once again into the ocean because of this happens one has to wait for years for its next visit from the underworld.

Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls AudiobookThe myth of Atlantis is touched in detail and brought out form the memory attic once again so that we can finally conclude that whether Atlantis was real or it is just one of those fairy tales we hear about from our grandparents. Amy Enticknap’s narration is unique and makes the story more attractive because she has tried to use a different way of speech for each character in the story and also their speech differs in tone and sound as well.
This helps us to distinguish between characters easily and also the nature and mentality of these characters are also revealed through the way they talk or show any specific reaction towards a particular happening or any event.
Other books in this series of wonderful stories include The Tail of Emily Windsnap, Emily Windsnap and the Monsters of the Deep and Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist which will surely give you more wonderful memories to collect.

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