Cursed Bones


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Winter is coming and those who are already in trouble, it is not a good news at all. The climatic condition has made many suffer and then there is the continuous threat of the enemy which thinks that it is an ideal time to invade and conquer. Isabel has been a victim of terrible circumstances and her struggle against the Wraith Queen has left her battered. She was actually looking for a peaceful place in the world, though House of Karth was not peaceful but it did attract her attention. In order to be with the House of Karth, Isabel must prove her worth to the family and for this she is given a gigantic task.

Cursed Bones

Isabel must fight with a dark force that has been lurking in the shadows for thousands of years. For Zuhl the time for the final attack has come and winter is not going to hinder his way because he has his trustworthy dragon on his side that can get the job done within no time. Alexander i.e the hero that David A. Wells painted in Thinblade and Blood of the Earth, looks quite heart broken in this fifth part of the series.

Alexander has been left alone by those whom he loved so much and he thinks that his power to fight back has exhausted for sure. He never felt so much helpless but the future of his allies depend on him and he must provide them hope that the spring will come and they will get an upper hand in the war. Problem is that, all of them have to survive till spring time and it is easier said than done.


Blood of the Earth



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