Farewell, Nikola



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“Farewell Nikola” stands as the fifth and final installment in the captivating Dr. Nikola series. This novel marks a reunion with Richard “Dick” Hatteras, previously known as a South Seas adventurer and Roustabout who had crossed paths with Dr. Nikola in the earlier work, “A Bid for Fortune”. Now, Hatteras has ascended to the title of Sir Richard Hatteras and is firmly ensconced in the bonds of marriage. In this installment, he embarks on an extended stay in the enchanting city of Venice, accompanied by his wife and companions.

Farewell, Nikola

As fate would have it, Hatteras unexpectedly encounters Dr. Nikola amidst the winding canals and rich history of Venice. Despite their tumultuous history, Dr. Nikola exudes an air of pleasantness and charm. The suave and cosmopolitan Dr. Nikola retains his enigmatic and unscrupulous nature, living alone in a decrepit Venetian palace with a haunting past. Once again, Hatteras finds himself ensnared in the intricate threads spun by Dr. Nikola, who unveils glimpses of his own enigmatic past and unveils an unexpected facet of his character. This portrayal of Dr. Nikola contrasts with his previous persona, revealing a side marked by unexpected words like empathy, compassion, and contrition.

In “Farewell Nikola,” Peter Keeble’s summary hints at the intricate narrative that unfolds. With Venice as a picturesque backdrop, the novel navigates a complex interplay of past and present, ethics and amorality, and the enduring enigma that is Dr. Nikola. The novel is a continuation of the saga, drawing readers into a world of intrigue, moral ambiguity, and unforeseen revelations as it concludes the riveting journey of the Dr. Nikola series.


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