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Audiobooks For You!

Many have written fantasies before but A.J. Hackwith has a style of her own, the author usually prefers ladies as the main character but the books are liked equally by men.

The characters that the writer produces create a room in the minds of the listeners because of their unique talents and heroic deeds. Claire the heroine of this first part was once an ordinary girl then one day she got selected as the librarian of the unwritten wing.

In that place, in Hell, all those books were placed that were not completed by their authors. Job looked simple but actually, it wasn’t because the characters present in those books tended to escape and look for their author. When the story reaches towards the middle one such Hero sets himself free from the book.


Claire with the help of her friends goes after the Hero but this time they meet Ramiel in their way who wants something that Claire at first had no idea i.e the Devil’s Bible.

Devil’s Bible a book that possesses sinister powers is said to be looked in the unwritten wing. The book if gone into the wrong hands can destroy all the boundaries between Hell and Heaven. Danger and threats can even reach the earth if the librarian does not act right in time. A tough ask for the librarian in this first chapter just like The Archive of the Forgotten.

The author makes Claire goes beyond her boundaries to pull this one out. Lisa Flanagan’s narration goes equal to the task at all stages of the story. Whether it was the peacetime or time of action Lisa was on target in providing the book an accurate narration.

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Wayward Son



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