Jake Crowley Series Books 1-2

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These first two books of the Jake Crowley Series by David Wood portrays the true meaning of conspiracy and thrill that can be seen in both parts to the height which usual books seldom reach.You can also find enough depth and interesting story plot in the book Primordial (Unabridged) – David Wood, Alan Baxter. In this book the writer has keenly paid importance to each and every aspect of the story so that it can appear as a master piece.

Also the two books work on the same theme throughout which makes it enjoyable for us to listen to both these books in a single go as the narrator is also the same. Jonathan Waters narrate the two books magnificently and in a fluent manner, we as listeners fail to guess sometime from where the second book starts as the connection in the writing and narration department is so complete that we cannot feel any break between the two parts of the series.

Jake Crowley Series Books 1-2

Jake Crowley the central figure in the book saves Rose Black from a devastating attack on the street in London and at first thinks it to be an incident of minor importance but soon it is revealed to both of them that there is specific link between Rose and the people who are dying on the streets of London, all of them share a mark with an eagle sign which they consider as a birth mark. Rose possesses the same birth mark which means that there is also death for her in stock sooner or later unless the murderer is arrested beforehand.

The secrets are revealed one after the other that led to the final disposition of the problem. The books take us from the streets of London to the deep down dungeons for the revelation of dark secrets that are better to be kept buried.  

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