The story is humorous and shares the details related to the life of a housewife who is always solving problems of her family and always short of time of herself. You can laugh at each and every step of the story but at the same time the story discusses a very important issue related to the life of a housewife whose job is not over even when she reaches the retirement age as there is no retirement for her.
Dee MacDonald in the voice of Diana Croft portrays a realistic picture of a common house where the husband is busy in his own activities and the wife Connie McColl had to deal with one problem after another even when she is sixty six years of age, the decision however is a unique one that is taken by Connie as she packs her bag and leaves the house in her own car without any trace through which the family could find her again.
This is a wonderful move shown by an old timer who wants to show the family her importance and also wants to make them feel that she too wants some quality time for her own self and lastly the most important thing of all she needs the care and affection of her husband more than ever before.
The message of the novel is quite beautiful as it tells you that its never too late to enjoy life, Connie makes new friends during her journey and also sleeps under the stars and gives all his time to her own self which is the right thing to do in your old age.