The Mark of Athena

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There is ample material in the story for children of all ages that one can buy the first trilogy all at the same time without putting a second thought in the mind. Sure delight is induced in the mind for hours and hours, the war scenes with the blades of grass acting as the real blades proves to be a master stroke.

Never has anyone believed on his fantasy world so much as Rick Riordan, the author attests that everything is true even when we know that it is unreal. Series is like a fabric that is written around us thread by thread and we can witness one thread weaving into a different pattern all of a sudden adding to the beauty of the creation.


Annabeth return to Percy after a span of more than five months and she is emotional and tense at the same time about the meeting. She is desperate to see Percy along with Jason, Leo and Piper but it is the designing of the sip that tense her.

Designed by Leo the ship has a big dragon head in front which makes it a look like a pure war machine. The Roman might take it as a ship that want to invade their territory but then they have hope as well in the form of Percy who can tell them that his friends are on that ship.

The Mark of Athena

The reunion was quite anticipated in The Heroes of Olympus, Book One: The Lost Hero, and The Son of Neptune  , now when it is near the minds are perverted by doubts from both sides. The old prophesy haunts the mind of the daughter of the goddess of war and wisdom.

She knows that it is her fate to fight and lead in battles but her mind is diverted by the thoughts about Percy. Joshua Swanson with emotional spice in the voice emerge better as a narrator, the weakness in voice is not there at all.




The Son of Neptune

The House of Hades


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