Star Divide

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Kaylan and Zack Quick are on the same ship now and the mission appears to be the same as well i.e survival. Also they want to get back to their home planet before it’s too late for every one of them travelling in the Athena. Kaylan does not remember how she came to this ship because she became unconscious when she faced the alien race for the first time after that she finds herself on Athena. To their bad luck the ship is also mal functioning and the crew does not what’s wrong with it.

The only one the whole crew relies on in this situation is the master hacker Zack Quick who knows much more about computers than any man can imagine. Moreover most of them are also curious about the alien start system to which they were summoned by the aliens. Why the aliens needed them on that part of the universe only they can give an answer to this question so that the riddle is solved once and for all. Ken Lozito writes about space and stars in this second part of the series and we only listen about the earth but never go to it.

Star Divide

It is like the second step after Star Shroud and the story has just started to build up, the relation between the crew is not that strong that we observed in the previous series by the author. Still things are building up and much more is still hanging in the balance. Jeff Hays is more improved in narration if taken in comparison with the first part and characters are portrayed with true justice by both the author and the narrator.


Star Shroud

Star Alliance


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