Insidious Insurrection

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John Corwin again takes us to the world of his wonderful series that has already won the hearts of the reader through the stories Conrad Edison and the Living Curse (Overworld Arcanum #1) – John Corwin, Ominous Odyssey (Overworld Chronicles #13) – John Corwin 

And 11 other books in the series. This one is the fourteen in the series and once again deals with familiar characters who are once again engaged in war and this time the war is of a serious type as it has turned into a battle for survival for one group as the balance of power could no more be seen in the Darkling nation that is threatened by civil war this time and the war has split the nation into two, something which their enemies could have never done.

Insidious Insurrection

This weakening nation faces another severe threat when Justin comes to know about a hidden fact that Victus was busy in creating a new being which he calls the demon golems and they are not few in number. Victus creates a whole army of those creatures with the help of which he would be able to take charge of the Darkling Legions and could prove his supremacy once and for all.

Justin want to save the land from foreign invasion but he alone could not tackle with it all only Kaelissa has the army that can deal with such a group that has monsters in stalk but she has her own motive in war and that is to set her rule over the Seraphina. Justin finally comes with a plan that could work for both of them in the long run. The narration by Austin Rising is quite superb and accurate according to all standards. The narrator has surely given life to the whole series that deals with the world of the supernatural beings that threat the human race all the time.

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