Alpha Girl

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As time passed, the love between the girl turned werewolf and Sawyer has grown stronger. They cannot be separated by anything because they consider themselves as true mates for each other. They have faced hellish situations together but none of it matters as long as they are together.

However the girl thinks that the people of their race are dying and she can save them if she goes to the land where the Paladins exist. From there she can bring back some help which would be useful in the time of battle.

For Sawyer, that’s not a good idea at all but she risks her life to go to that land of which she knows nothing. There she faces even more terrible circumstances and soon she finds herself running for her life. She knows that she can just simply return if she wants to keep herself safe instead she stays and starts helping the local people who are in trouble. Meeting Sawyer is the ultimate goal for this alpha girl but she has to save some precious lives first.

Alpha Girl

Leia Stone amazed everyone in Protector and Annihilate now she is going to scare the audience through this series. Thus people with weak heart should listen to the introduction carefully so that they might not get scared afterwards.

It is bloodshed and some terrible fights all the way which Vanessa Moyen has narrated in a quick manner. Pause was not an option in the narration of this story and Vanessa Moyen was the right person for the job in such a case. Don’t worry about the quality of narration because it is perfect by all means.


Lost Girl

Mated Girl


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