Bag of Bones Audiobook

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Bag of Bones By Stephen King

The story is created and narrated by Stephen King catches our eyes at once because king as a narrator has tried to portray the whole scene just like wanted but perhaps was unable to explain to any other brain. The vision of a village or a local town that he possessed in his mind perhaps from his early childhood is nicely portrayed through words and their delivery.

Also, the main character in the story is a writer and who else can define a writer in a better way than a person who himself is a writer. Like Insomnia we once again observe the death of the wife leaving Mike Noonan alone. This character is also like the person in Duma Key who has no idea what to do with his life.

Bag of Bones by stephen king

The creativity in him all at once vanishes with the calamity. The whole thing very slowly turns into a mystery or should we say a story of ghosts and violent souls that has always been the chief traits of Stephen King’s stories. We are always in confusion during the most part of the story that the Mike Noonan is surrounded by ghosts or these are his mere imaginations that have come to life because of his loneliness and his association with his old house.

The whole is the story is well knit, each incident is nicely tailored to a single whole. The title though hints towards a hidden murder and we find one in the story but that is not the chief or only motive of the story. We also get the feeling of It as we are told about the ghosts now and then.

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