Beyond Exile

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What can one man do against the rest especially when they are already dead, so the poor survivor thought to run and surely it was the better choice for him. J.L. Bourne decorates this second part with more fascinating fight scenes. Army officer that stood against everything in Day By Day Armageddon came forward as a true survivor.

With an instinct to plan, he chooses to fight and proves that he has a will to keep his humanity intact. Lying in front of the zombies like a helpless creature didn’t look very helpful to him. Whether he got terrified or injured, he kept his focus fixed on his aim i.e to find a way out not only for himself but for the whole of humanity. Texas is where the survivors have formed their lair now and they are uniting for the final battle because the enemy is approaching soon.

Beyond Exile


In the missile facility, the survivors sit without a plan because they don’t know how to defeat the enemy yet they are not giving up. Not war but chaos has engulfed the whole U.S and heart-rendering scenes of bloodshed can force anyone to commit suicide in such heavy circumstances. Jay Snyder’s voice can make you cry in this part because he too narrates with a heavy heart as the hopes of surviving become dull.

Fans that are dying to know about the conclusion should not start Ghost Run directly; it will destroy all the fun.  Listening to the books one by one creates a feeling in the listener for the survivors and he gets associated with the characters that get wounded to save each other.


Day By Day Armageddon

Ghost Run


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