Building Bridges

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Building Bridges: Stephen King life at the National book awards is not just a story that has all the fiction, all the horror and all the unnatural things inside, rather it’s the true speech made by Stephen who has described his work and his life in a truly effective way that brings in light all the events and important aspects of his life.

In this book, he explains how he developed his writing career, what were the motives behind and how the writing changes the life as well as how the life changes his way of writing as the time has passed.

Most of us know that Stephen is the American who has written dozens of novels, novellas and stories to inspire those who want to get some tint of mystery and fiction out of all the usual things that happen around us.We know that we all have something special in our lives and our lives usually create their own specialties.

Building Bridges

This is a true narration of the speech Stephen delivered at the National book awards. It is the best book you could listen to if you want to peek inside the mind of Stephen who has been giving the best stories with the most memorable characters for the readers who know how deep are the stories that Stephen has given so far.

You will know what kind of initiatives Stephen uses to create new ideas and which of the most important things inspire him to write the unique experiences that no one has ever tried in the whole life.

You can listen to his attributions and how he manages to give a tribute to his family and especially his wife Tabitha who is also one of the greatest inspiration of his life for creating unique, compelling and unforgettable stories.

Stephen has always been on the top of the list of writers for the fiction, non-fiction, horror and mystery writers and the award has been given to Stephen because of the enormous work and unforgettable stories he has given for the readers to get indulged in deeply. You can experience the work by listening to Salem’s Lot, the Dark Tower I and other stories as well.


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Building Bridges Stephen King Live At The National Book Awards - Copy
  • 03. Building Bridges Stephen King Live At The National Book Awards

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