Certain Prey

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It seems that the author John Sandford just get better and better with his Prey novel series. Certain prey is the 10th book in the series and equally grasping as the 9 prequels to this. All books are nicely linked with the same level of enthusiasm, mystery, suspense and above all, the thrill.

The 10th book of the Prey series gets its voice by the magnificent Richard Ferrone, who has been an obvious choice for most of the John Sandford book and that for all the good reasons. His voice has that power and emotion that a crime based thriller story needs.

Certain Prey

The story is about Clara Rinker, who is a southern woman with a highly attractive and charming personality. She is very quiet and laid back women, and doesn’t socialize too much. Thing sget complicated when in Minnesota, she got hired for a job. A rival gets in the line of fire to get eliminated at the will of a defense attorney. Attorney character gets weird with time and then the cop, Davenport take son the case and start connecting the loose ends quite rapidly.

Certain Prey

Lucas absolutely has no idea that how much this case would take out of him. He hardly ever come across such an intelligent criminal. It got mighty difficult to point the weak spots and even daunting to penetrate through the little available openings.

The John Sandford can be well understood about his creativity with characters and story-telling when you read his other sensational novels as well, namely, Bloody Genius and Holy Ghost. Both these books have great fan following as it offers them the top level of entertainment within the crime genre.


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