Dark Stranger Immortal

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Dark Stranger Immortal is a horror fictional novel. It is expertly written by I. T. Lucas who is known for writing some excellent fictional fantasies and horror fiction as well. Dark Stranger Immortal is the 3rd chapter of The Children of the Gods Paranormal Romance Series. The author apart from the subject novel has also given other sensational hits in the form of Dark Stranger Revealed and Dark Choices: The Accord novels.

Dark Stranger Immortal

The narration of Dark Stranger Immortal is done by Charles Lawrence. After hearing his performance, you cannot imagine any other narrator doing this novel at all. He was just so brilliant.

The time when Kian confesses about his real nature then it was not as such a shocker for Syssi. It is because she was wounded by what she recognizes as his insensitive plans for her. If she doesn’t turn then Kian would be forced to erase all those memories they made together and will have to let her go. The safety of his family demands secrecy big time. Therefore, no one in this mortal world has got the right to know that there is the existence of immortals. Resigned to that cruel reality, Syssi gets quite determined for enjoying whatever little time she had with Kian. It was one day at a time for her.

Dark Stranger Immortal

This is the novel of the series where the story of Syssi and Kian culminates and then the characters go on another adventure in the following chapter.

The Dark Stranger Immortal is a well-written novel. The plot of this novel is excellently conceived by Lucas and the characters are also beautifully developed. The performance by Charles Lawrence in the audio version is the highlight of this audiobook.


Dark Stranger Revealed

Dark Hollow


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