Deathless Divide

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Deathless Divide is the second chapter in the Dread Nation novel series. This one is a teen & young adult novel which is authored by Justina Ireland. She is a highly capable American author of young adult and science fiction and fantasy novels. Out of the Shadows and Star Wars: The High Republic: A Test of Courage is a couple of novels that will make a very good literary experience in audio format.

The audio narration of the Deathless Divide novel is done by Bahni Turpin and Jordan Cobb. Bahni as always was brilliant with the performance while Jordan seemed to struggle a bit with his part.

Jane McKeene right after the fall of Summerland hoped that her life would get much easier and simpler. She will just be getting out of town, staying alive, and going to California to locate her mother there.

But nothing seemed to be easy at all when you are a girl who was trained hard in putting down the dead. Moreover, a devastating loss on the road to Nicodemus village had Jane questioning almost everything that she always thought she knew regarding surviving in America in the 1880s.

Deathless Divide

That haven doesn’t seem to be what it appeared as Jane found when she saw familiar faces from the Summerland amid that novice society. Jane was caught all between the lies and the mysteries, her inner demons and the dead. She soon discovered herself on a shadowy path of violence and blood which threatened to consume her.

The sequel is an absolute gem and even better than the first title of the series. The continuity between the two chapters was just seamless. The character development was superbly done and it came full circle.


Dread Nation

My Perfect Daughter


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