Hide and Seek

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Another story with a sexual assault issue takes us on a journey where in the end we will finally meet the psychopath that enjoys sexual assault on its prey before killing it. Macy Crow the agent and a survivor from the assault takes the first case that he gets from the FBI as she wants to be the part of the elite team that hunts town deadliest of the criminals there are.

Macy is allotted the case related to the death of Tobi Turner who was kidnapped fifteen years ago and now her bones are present that can help in the investigation and hopefully the arrest of the ill-doer who had several sex assaults on her before putting her to the final sleep.

The more Macy goes deeper into the case the more girls she finds with the same fate and even her own life incidents take her closer to the killer as she starts thinking that he might be the one who kidnapped her years ago.

Hide and Seek

The case becomes personal and for the first time in life Macy feels that she is not following the criminal it is actually the criminal who was keeping an eye on her all the time, watching her moves and all because of the fact that he has selected her as his next target and thus Macy’s first case could appear to be her last after she dies a horrifying death at the hands of an animal.

Mary Burton like her novels Cut and Run and The Last Move gives intensity to the scenes and the characters that keep our nerves working all the time in an alert manner. Christina Traister’s narration slowly comes up to the mark and the narrator holds her voice in good coordination after that.


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