The Devil’s Code

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First it was stories related to characters like Virgil Flowers and of course the master piece Lucas Davenport and now John Sandford has presented a completely new sort of a character in front of us who is not a serial killer nor does fight other with the help of his muscle physic, Kidd is a hacker and an artist at the same time, he is the sort of guy who works with the help of his mind more as compared to his body.

This time however it’s because of his over active mind, he and his friend get into a kind of trouble which they never thought they would face in life, though they were criminals but such a thing proves to be too big for the little guys who just know a thing about computers, LuEllen gets killed and Kidd knows that it’s the secret that they discovered got him killed and of course he is the second one on the list for he too knows which they should never have hacked in the first place.

The Devil's Code

The mystery continues well as we have seen in novels like    Golden Prey and Rules of Prey where the mystery lies in several folds and is not revealed all of a sudden rather the collection of events lead the listener towards a final conclusion that seem to be true according to him.

Thus the writer thrushes us on a hunt for the disposal of the problem that is tangled into a thousand layers of old memories and incidents that happen all around. The novel needed an exceptionally talented narrator and Richard Ferrone has proved his worth as a narrator by keeping the element of haste and run alive through the narration.  

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    2 thoughts on “The Devil’s Code”

    1. The Kidd character is not new but came into the publishing world the same year as the 1st prey novel. This is the 3rd Kidd novel. Never fear dear listeners LuEllen is not dead. The above summary of the book is quite flawed.


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