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Magic’s Promise

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Gregory St. John the man under some criticism in book one has really taken things in control from the first page for accurate narration. Clarity of voice was not the issue even in Magic’s Pawn the shuffling of voice was suffering a bit but now that issue has been eradicated. Mercedes Lackey opens this part with Vanyel in a weak state and it is obvious that he cannot fight against the odds now. Yfandes a close friend of the last Herald Mage is also not in an excellent shape himself but then he comes to know that help is required. The Heralds as a tradition have never run away from a fight and whenever they are called for help they have answered the call.

Magic's Promise

That is the tradition that is continuing from Arrows of the Queen thus the two cannot say no to it now even when the know that it is like committing suicide. The magic that surrounds the neighboring area to which the two are going is far more powerful than the magic that they possess still Vanyel and Yfandes take a step forward.

Surely the last fight by the two legends but it is an epic one because they are also prepared and not going empty handed in the dark zone. Great fights but most of us wanted to see the two heroes in a better shape in what is supposed to be their last fight because when they struggle with their powers it arouses pity in our hearts. And pity is not a proper word for the heroes like the Heralds who have amazed and amused us for a decade through their wonderful adventures and warrior skills.


Magic’s Pawn

Magic’s Price


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    1 thought on “Magic’s Promise”

    1. You should change your intro. Gregory has the same problems here as he did with the first book, most notably the refusal to leave any sort of pause between scene changes. I’ve heard there is an older version with a different narrator that is much better, wish I could find that,


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