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First part about the nome made all of us more curious about their future because their permanent hideout has gone to the ashes and they have to look for another one. Nomes were having a new experience and they were afraid of the experiment in Truckers but all the while they were hopeful about the future. Not all of them were optimistic but then the leader was ample to charge everyone up. The search ended well and they got a new home which could be sufficient for all of them for many years to come.

Migration was safely done after many hardships and now in the quarry they lay safe and contended but not for long. Something starts changing and by the looks of it their new home does not look a safe place anymore. The humans have decided to open the quarry once again and nomes are in no mode of leaving their home this time. A positive change has come in these underdogs, first they were afraid to come in the open and now they have the courage to fight the humans for their cause.


Terry Pratchett has provided them some extra aid in the form of Jekub the monster but all their efforts might not be enough against the humans. The size of the rodents reminds us of The Wee Free Men who survived with their courage and help from the young witch. Narration is done by none other than Stephen Briggs whose class has now become matchless now in child fiction. Almost all of Terry’s fiction is narrated by Stephen and his voice suits with the fantasies more than anyone.


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Diggers The Bromeliad Trilogy 2 (Unabridged) - 002
  • 03. Diggers The Bromeliad Trilogy 2 (Unabridged) - 003
  • 04. Diggers The Bromeliad Trilogy 2 (Unabridged) - 004
  • 05. Diggers The Bromeliad Trilogy 2 (Unabridged) - 005

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