Doctor Sleep

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Doctor Sleep: A Novel By Stephen King


As a fact, Stephen King’s specialty is in his way of incorporating his fiction, horror and supernatural story like thoughts into the real life-like events that have happened to him. He successfully makes use of the real events and the happenings in a natural way so that the reader never feels if the story is not a real thing.

Doctor Sleep

This story makes use of the characters from the Novel ‘Shining’ where Dan has the shining in him and he starts going through the same pathway as his dad went through. But the fact is Dan keeps on feeling the connection with the evil thing in the Overlook hotel.

Another thing that makes the story a terrifying yet interesting for the readers is the existence of an apparently calm group of old people who are actually immortal and thrive on the steam of people who they kill to get the ‘shining’ the murdered person possess.

DoctorSleep By Stephen King

In this story, Dan develops a telepathic connection with the girl named Abra, born with the ‘Shining’ and the bond develop stronger as the time passed away.

The quasi Immortal who have been thriving on the shining of the killed boy started to develop measles and they needed a remedy to stay alive. They though the shining from Abra’s steam would help them. That brings the Abra and Dan closer and Dan saves her from them.

The story has many interesting facts in it, the connection between the previous Novel Shining, the suspense, the horror and the continuous terror caused by the Quasi-immortals keeps on developing as the story proceeds and offer a lot of heart-gripping events that would definitely compel you to hear the story as a whole. Whether you have read Desperation or Shining before, you would never want to miss this one for sure.


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