Dungeon Calamity

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The trilogy starts with the sirens of the war and it’s not an ordinary one as it is something that could shake the whole of the earth. The war comes to such an epic proportion that it could prove an end for both sides. Dakota Krout writes the start in such a way that one can assume that this could be the final chapter of the series. But when we approach the end we come to know that there are still one or two parts in stock.

Dungeon Calamity

Cal is falling from the look of it. The might dungeon is without the faithful Wisp that is trusted in the battlefield for so long. And more to its tragedy the demons and the traps that it created for the opponents start working against it and it is apparent that the dungeon is losing power.

Cal all of a sudden comes to his senses or finally regains his senses for a while and all he can conclude is that he needs his friend back. This time the mighty dungeon does not even trust his allies as he goes on a search of his own.

Dungeon Calamity

Dale too does not have the powers he once had in Dungeon Born and Dungeon Madness and he too strives to get his mind back. Things seem to be going out of the hands of both rivals as the face mental trauma and loss of physical strength. The most dramatic thing about the characters is that they are still optimistic about their future and this very thing keep the story going and makes us ready to hear Vikas Adams once again.

Vikas has been going well with the series as he understands the characters quite well and depicts the scenes excellently.


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Dungeon Madness

Dungeon Desolation


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