Dungeon Madness

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The dungeon madness carries on in this next part. The dungeon Cal goes on increasing in power and the more powerful he becomes the deadlier it is for the human race. Cal from the time he became a stone and then later the core of a self-created dungeon has been greedy for power.

And no we can get the idea that why he was made stone by a supreme power. Cal’s lust for power remains a threat for mankind even when he is not a living spirit anymore. This lust tells us about the truth of his soul’s corruption that brought him to such a pit in the first place.

Dungeon Madness

This second book by Dakota Krout has been the most awaited one of his books. Dakota has this tendency to provide a bulk of knowledge about his storyline in the mid of his series and the beginning and endings are just like garnishing. Thus this part is supposed to be full of information and can act as the whole crux of the series. The more threatening thing about the dungeon is that it has groomed in sense as well.

It knows about its developing powers and plans for their enhancement as well. Dale the opposite force in action tries to contain or limit the powers of the dungeon. But whenever Dale tries to stop the plans of the dungeon he finds it ahead of him. Moreover, Dale starts hearing a voice in his head this time that stops him from continuing his mission.

Even in his fights, his mind is racing to somewhere else. A nice sequel to the Dungeon Born and great progress in the story is depicted well by Vikas Adam that really rocks the listeners.


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Dungeon Born

Dungeon Calamity


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