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Things become easy for you when you have certain powers in your hands but sometimes with greater powers come even bigger enemies. Tavia once an ordinary girl soaked in the love of an ordinary lad here plays the role of a goddess. She can recreate the elements such as earth which are awesome but her enemies have created a bigger devil i.e a deadly virus.

The virus is slowly eating up everything on the planet including the inhabitants. The day is not far away when the whole planet will reach the level of non-existence. Tavia thought she could do something in this regard but she just finds herself trapped in unbearable darkness.


Along with Tavia in prison is her boyfriend and one true love i.e Logan. Together the two try hard to outsmart the enemy but their efforts prove to be fruitless at every attempt. Reduciata has got the upper hand finally and the hopes of survival become dim suddenly. Then Tavia and Logan are rescued by a bunch of other fellows like them who try to convince these two that they too have the same goal.

Along with this group, the girl marches forward to save her homeworld but she meets Benson once again along with the truths that were still hidden from her. Aprilynne Pike created a love triangle in Illusions and Wings once and here the author tries to do the same thing.

The strategy of the love triangle has succeeded in this part too because the fans have appreciated the technique narrated in the voice of Hallie Cooper-Novack. The unique powers of Tavia have also remained a source of joy for listeners worldwide.



Exoskeleton: A Novel


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