Skin Trade

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Kimberly Alexis narrates Anita in a changed style specifically for this part, she has been saving friends and relationships in the past but it’s time to join the feds again. Anita gets a call from a forgotten source after which she receives something that alarms her. High tension is created as she runs to the federal marshals. When she reached the city as fast as she could she became sad to see that she was already very late. Several of the law enforcement officers was transformed into dead bodies by the enemy.

Skin Trade

Their dead bodies were in such a state that any layman can tell by just looking at them that it’s not the job of a mere human. A human just cannot tear a body apart so vulgarly, only a vampire or a weretiger could have done such a hideous act. Vegas of course has remained famous for the weretigers in the series so one thing is clear nobody is looking for a vampire this time. For Anita the job is important and there is pure fun in it, in the city, she can get a lot of opportunities to be with the hot looking and captivatingly stylish weretigers. The Harlequin and Blood Noir discussed the mental and psychological condition of Anita because of which she became pregnant twice.

She is not letting go of a chance here as she is looking to unleash her inner demon of passion when a weretiger comes near her. Laurell K. Hamilton’s heroine does not look a pure heart because of the evil that has corrupted her soul but she is fair and trustable in a companionship.

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Blood Noir



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