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Laurell K. Hamilton introduced Anita as a necromancer a long time ago in the first part of the series thus she still possesses the power to raise the dead from the grave. For many people, the power is a gift from the heavens or a blessing on Anita’s pure soul. However, these are all misconceptions the thing that she raises from the grave is never the same person as he used to be when he was alive. Not only the physical state of the dead one is deformed but also the soul that made him human once never returns to the body in the process.

That’s why Anita seldom performs this act, though this has been her prime power since her youth she tries to forget all about the dead ones that she rose from the graves in the past. The Harlequin and Blood Noir discussed this power of the vampire hunter very little. Tony Bennington’s new character introduced in this part does not believe in any of this, he just wants his wife back from the grave.


For this purpose, he comes to Anita and begs to reanimate his wife from the grave no matter what the price is. Anita tries to ignore but the man persists even when he is told that she would not be in the same beautiful appearance after rising from the grave.

Only Anita knows that the body will also lose all human feelings too and would become a zombie-like figure later. Things became tough for Kimberly Alexis during the narration of multiple characters at the same time. In the scenes where the characters are only one or two in number, the narration went well.

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