Engaging the Enemy

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When the battle was thrashed upon the Vatta family it was Kylara who rose up in the situation when no hope was left. She made quick decisions and selected allies in a bold way; she even took risks that were dangerous apparently. The girl proved that she had the skills of a good warrior and a clever business woman. After the death of her parents in the assault it is up to her to take care of the family business as well as its domain. In Trading in Danger and Marque and Reprisal Ky was on the defensive but this time she has decided to take the war to the enemy.

Being defensive provided her the time to look closer into her enemy’s weaknesses and its payback time from her side. She leaves Stella as the commanding officer of her ship and she goes in search of more clues. Ky wants to end this once and for all so that no one would threat her family business anymore. After more and more investigation she gets horrified, she totally underestimated her enemy and the objective of the enemy is far bigger than her imagination.

Engaging the Enemy

The entire galaxy is needed for the fight against such an enemy but sadly Ky starts losing those whom she had with her. Stella the current commanding officer of Vatta even thinks that Ky has gone mad in her rage against her enemy. Elizabeth Moon throws more conspiracies at Ky and her trust appears shattering. Cynthia Holloway first uses an enthusiastic voice at the start and then the narrator changes it according to Ky’s mode that becomes depressing.


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Marque and Reprisal

9 from the Nine Worlds


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