File Zero

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Kent has lived his life in the shadow of betrayals but this time things become too big for the agent zero. Kent’s memory comes back and more devastating thing is that it’s complete this time. He knows who he really was and what the secrets he knew were and how he lost his memory.

Unluckily that makes CIA his enemy once again because it was the people from the department that made him lose his memory because he knew something big. The thing that comes to light for Kent is that several people from the CIA wanted to start a war that he opposed then find himself in such a mess.

File Zero

The war could prove so devastating that it could destroy the whole of the US within no time. But Kent has troubles at home as well when he finds his family under threat once again not by the assassins but by the CIA rogue agents this time. The finale is just awesome as it is an amalgam of the previous parts like Agent Zero and Trapping Zero. This is perhaps the biggest mission our hero deals with and it is self-assigned this time as he fights like a true patriot of the land.

File Zero

The resources are low and this time it’s not a battle of survival it’s a fight for the land that Kent loves from the core of his heart and perhaps more than his family. The language used is the best among the rest and the revelation of secrets surely make this a treat to listen in the voice of Brain Callanan. The narration just like the writing is perfect and no weakness could be found at any level.


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An Agent Zero Spy Thriller :

Thank you for listening Tokybook !


Trapping Zero

Treasure Island


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