Finch Merlin and the Everlasting Vow

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Yet to put his plans to work Bella Forrest’s clever and cunning charmer is back for another episode. Only thing that Finch hates is the way he is being treated by the gods and the people around but he hasn’t been able to return the favor to them.

The man knows that his time will come but it is just getting more and more delayed than he was hoping. There is nothing he can do as long as he is underwater trapped in the world that existed in books and myths. The gods too are not ready to let him go that easily they want to keep him at their disposal for more missions.

Finch Merlin and the Everlasting Vow

The girls in the series too have been trying to possess this one of kind trickster who just slips out of their hands all the time. Then there are some who want to tame him like the favorite pet in the lot and these are the most dangerous one for Finch who already has more than he can handle. Finch has been imprisoned and trapped before in Finch Merlin and the Locked Gateway and Finch Merlin and the Forgotten Kingdom but the man has never taken a love potion. Princess Kaya wants to have him and for this she makes him drink the love potion but the trickster always has an extra trick in the sleeve.

The sound made at the time when Finch takes the Love potion really depicts the skill of Amanda Ronconi. Narration is quite delighting throughout the series and there has never been a single error or pause in any of the parts.


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Finch Merlin and the Forgotten Kingdom

Lucky Thirteen


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