Five Dark Fates

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The final match between the sisters now approaches; they have fought hard for their survival and also for the crown. One of them proved lucky enough to get the crown but the dangers to her life and crown never ended with the start of her reign. Queen Katharine fears her sisters more than anyone although she has disbanded the legion quite successfully. Jules and the rest of the gang are left battered after the corrosive fight scenes and they are not planning for another attack like that on the queen.

Moreover, Arsinoe misses the one ally that she had in One Dark Throne and Two Dark Reigns i.e her sister Mirabella. Mirabella is nowhere to be found after the end of the disastrous fight. Some think at the start of this part that Mirabella died during the war but she tries to change sides this time. She goes to Katharine for a truce as she too knows that her sister misses the company of family in her current state.

Five Dark Fates

At her arrival she is taken in by the queen, later however the queen starts thinking of Mirabella as an imminent threat to her throne and the unification ends in tragedy for the two. Kendra Blake ends with a lot of tragedies in the series still we cannot take it as a tragedy as a whole. There are moments of joy in it and moments of triumph narrated in the voice of Amy Landon which energizes the mind completely. Many fans think about the ending as an obvious one but the description of the scenery was everything for the listeners.


Two Dark Reigns

The Boy from the Woods


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