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Sean Quinn was active in the mission of his own and now that mission has lead him and his crew in a big situation with seemingly no way out at all. All he wanted was a search so that the issue can be resolved that who is behind all the mysterious happenings. That investigation has now lead him to another world along with two thousand of his team mates. Without supply of any sort they are in more precarious situation then Emergence. Ken Lozito is still weaving the tale into complex pattern and the author is trying to take the series beyond the imagination of the fans.

Luckily Scott Aiello is not tired and the voice in narration is lively and loaded with a lot of passion that keep the fans motivated too. In this novel one thing is clear that even Sean Quinn is afraid of the enemy that’s why he is desperate to go back because the enemy has defeated them in everything and still there are lots of surprises left for them. The enemy is playing with them and enjoying this little contest that is a matter of life and death for Sean and his team. Connor too is surrounded from all sides and is forced to form an alliance that is much needed at this stage.


As the colony tackles the old foes new also appear on the scene making survival a rather tough thing for the people who have been hiding in the colony for so long.  An epic battle finally approaches and sooner or later one thing is for sure that the colony will collapse in a big way so the people on it need another hiding place.



Harbinger First Colony, Book 9


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