Shadow Lands

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After the break of a single part the story again joins the origin as Shanti makes herself ready for the “The Trials”. For the chosen one it’s compulsory to face all the trials that inspect the worth of the fighting skills and leadership capabilities of a person.

She was always physically prepared for the battles but mentally she used to shy away on all occasions. This time the girl has responsibilities on her shoulders and the responsibilities are not that of leaderships only. The life of her near and dear ones are on the line.

The novel move in two different directions as Shanti is separated from her friends because of the trials. The Shadow people are trapped on the land of Mist and Cayan tries to save the people with the help of his mental skills as the chosen one is not present with them for the time being.

Shadow Lands

Thrill and action is there as we move on in this third novel which links to the first one Chosen, the second part Hunted can be read as a single separate novel as well. K.F. Breene in the voice of Caitlin Davis sums up the trilogy quite well but does not provide the end of the series which means that more battles are about to come in the upcoming parts as the chosen one gains more control over her powers.

It’s like a campaign now in which there is no rest until the enemy is eradicated or you get killed in the process. One thing is positive that Shanti has started thinking about the masses instead of thinking about her personal goals.





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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. ShadowLands (2) Section 1
  • 03. ShadowLands (2) Section 2
  • 04. ShadowLands (2) Section 3
  • 05. ShadowLands (2) Section 4
  • 06. ShadowLands (2) Section 5
  • 07. ShadowLands (2) Section 6
  • 08. ShadowLands (2) Section 7
  • 09. ShadowLands (2) Section 8
  • 10. ShadowLands (2) Section 9

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