High Rhulain

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Brian Jacques was a wonderful writer among youth audience and even beyond. His style of writing if we see is quite colorful and his novels are full of strong cast of characters always. High Rhulian is one of the most amazing novels in the Redwall novel series. It is chapter 17 of the saga which is a science fiction fantasy for teens and young adult. If you are a fan of Brian Jacques and look for his more quality novels then try listening to the audio versions of Martin the Warrior and Mossflower novels.

For a Brian Jacques novel in audio form, it is almost always certain that he himself would be the narrator as well. This is true for High Rhulian novel as well. However, there is a complete team of narrators as well for playing different characters involved.

High Rhulain

The Green Isle otters have been enslaved for quite long to the Wildcat Riggu and his cat-guards. They use to gravely torture the otters whenever they get any such opportunity. The otters had no choice but to wait for the day when support will arrive in the form of their savior, High Rhulian. He would lead them in a fierce battle and then they all will make a grand return to glory. Tiria Wildlough in the meanwhile tries for her chance to learn the tricks and tips of warrior and this all was much against what her father wanted.

High Rhulian is quite a stable book in the redwall series with interesting content and characters. The book will be a lot more than just a time pass for the book lovers.


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