From The Ashes

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No one knew that the earth was being watched by the superior race that was planning to take over the planet after studying the most dominant specie living on it. When Mark and his friends first entered into that alien capsule they never had a hint of what they were entering into but now they are aware what they are dealing with.

Still that information is of no use until they find a way to match that technology or outclassing it in an open battle. They have certain alien technology in their hands but understanding it needs time which the human race does not possess.

Mark Tufo shifts gear in this fourth book as the fantasy changes into a thriller and the race against time is on from the beginning. Clever planning was seen in Indian Hill and  Conquest here too planning is there but action and thrill surpasses everything that once was the key element of the series.

From The Ashes

Some are dejected to such an extent that they are ready to lay down arms in front of their ill fate that has fallen on them right from the day when the invasion begun. So even the number of friends or the allies is decreasing for Mike who is fighting a battle he never wanted to be in.

All he dreamt of was a happy contented life with his friends and the girlfriend whom he met in the first chapter. Sean Runnette too has increased the speed in speech to match with the upcoming war scenes and chase and run scenarios. Overall the series is going well just a few ups and downs in the details of the secondary characters but it is not disturbing.


Conquest-Indian Hill

Into the Fire-Indian Hill


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