I Shall Wear Midnight

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Whenever it is about Tiffany the story starts with trivial issues and then suddenly the hype makes things serious. Terry Pratchett has always portrayed Tiffany as a survivor no matter what the circumstances were, she was just nine when she first confronted an evil and it was she who successfully brought back spring in Wintersmith. Current book begins when the young witch hears about rumors against the witches.

Rumors and some bad talk against the witch world is not new because people think of witches as mean creatures and no doubt all witches are not like Tiffany who help the needy. Later that gossip or talk against the witches becomes corrosive and Tiffany gets a bad smell from the whole shit. Someone with proper plan wants to defame the witches but the question that arises is why anyone wants to do that.

I Shall Wear Midnight

Wee Free Men from the first book The Wee Free Men have remained loyal to Tiffany because the survival of the Chalk town depends on the survival of the young witch. The evil spreads more and more and Tiffany is ready to face magic that she never used in her life perhaps the time has come for her to grab a wand of her own.

Voice of evil is heavier than the average tones in the book; Stephen Briggs always does that to maintain the discrimination between the two worlds.  The fans up till know also understand this technique of the narrator because he has been doing this for many years. Novel completes another episode with the Wee Free Men and it is a different side of the Chalk Town that we observed which removes humor from the scene a little.


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. A Fine Wee Big Laddie
  • 03. Rough Music
  • 04. Those Who Stir In Their Sleep
  • 05. The Real Shilling
  • 06. The Mother Of Tounges
  • 07. The Coming Of The Cunning Man
  • 08. Songs In The Night
  • 09. The Kings Neck
  • 10. The Duchess and the Cook
  • 11. The Melting Girl
  • 12. The Bonfire Of The Witches
  • 13. The Sin Of Sins
  • 14. The Shaking of the Sheets
  • 15. Burning The King
  • 16. A Shadow and a Whisper
  • 17. Epilogue

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