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Linked with a story of the past that made Scott Turow famous among the fans this latest episode attracts the old and the new fans alike. Though the characters are from “Presumed Innocent” but the story is totally new, there is no repetition of situation. The author has not taken the crutches of the past because he was lacking something in the story rather he has introduced old characters to create association.


Rusty and Tommy are together after a very long time and again it is a crime scene that brings the two together. Though they weren’t ready for such a thing at this age but they are forced to confront injustice once again. They are fortunate that they have Sandy Stern on their side that can defend them in the court but the case is really twisted. Rusty’s wife is the one who is killed and everyone including his son is sure that he is the killer because of the issue that he was having with his wife over the years.

Rusty wants to prove his innocence to his son more than anyone else because he is the last relation in the world Rusty really loves. Providing such raw emotions in the court cannot help anyone because the court needs concrete facts. We have seen in Personal Injuries and Reversible Errors that evidence were vital than emotions. As the Pandora box is opened we find that there was always more to the case than just a dead body that was found. Edward Herrmann and Orlagh Cassidy narrate this complete corruption tale of the Kindle country in full flow without breaking at any point.


Reversible Errors



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