Angels Rising (Book 1)

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A nice start to a series that is based on paranormal activities and is a fiction with an extra spice in it. In contrast to the Darkness Rising (Dark Angels #2) (REQ) by Keri Arthur the Author Harriet Carlton has provided all the minute details related to the story as this is not only the first book of the series but also the development of a new character and a new world that he joins all of a sudden without knowing what he was joining or entering and that it would erase the past that he used to call life before joining up.

Angels Rising (Book 1)

The novel does not possess a detailed start, the story really kicks off when the teenager Imorean Frayneson gets a scholarship out of nowhere but the proposal looks quite fancy that makes him accept the offer instead of rejecting it even when he knew that he never applied for the particular thing. The moment he enters the Gracepointe University the element of fiction springs in front and the rest of the story is a deep dark journey into the dungeons of the unknown.

The nice thing about the story is that the development is stepwise; we are not suddenly haunted by spooky ghosts all of a sudden as the writer first prepares us by telling different feelings of Imorean who notices strange behavior of the teachers and the rest of the staff who give peculiar answers of simple questions if asked.

The locking of the doors of the university is also strange and then most disturbing of all is the creature that haunts him all the time. The real plan opens in the later stage which is quite devilish but at that moment there was no way turning back for Imorean. Michael Newberry was the right choice for the narration of this fiction that is serious in nature and needed the tone of Newberry for its narration.    


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