One Good Dog

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If a fan wants to go through this book than it is a must that he should listen to the other books related to the word “dog”. Every book is skillfully written and with a strong motive listening the whole set of these books including The Dog I Loved and Two Good Dogs will provide a nice feeling to the mind. Adam March is introduced for the first time, the character that is also there in the second part. The man is proud of his achievements because he is a self made man, got everything that he desired by his own efforts.

He never inherited a lot of fortune and now he has ample to give away to the future generation if he ever had one. There is a horrible past attached to him like always in fictional work.

Adam’s sister was abducted and he hasn’t heard about her for decades and when his assistant talks about his sister the man loses self control. The single moment of furry lets him lose everything personal and professional. The job is lost so is the wife who does not want to live with a man tormented by luck and fortune.

One Good Dog

The most successful man of the town starts his life all over in a shop that sells soup. He thinks that everything is over for him and then he meets the Pit bull named “Chance”. The dog lives in the basement and fights whether he is hurt or not.

The two face the same sort of circumstances and start liking each other, even save each other’s life many times. The new chapter of their lives is finally written by Susan Wilson in the most dramatic way as both of them rise on the screen the second time. Good coordination between Fred Berman and Rick Adamson for this new category of novels on human redemption and rising.


Two Good Dogs

The Dog Who Danced


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