Deep State

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Nonfiction books, especially about politics has great relevance among the book enthusiasts of today. Deep State is one such book, which talks about the facts related with FBI, the current President of USA, Donald Trump and most importantly the Rule of Law. This book is written by James B. Stewart and the narration is given by Keith Szarabajka.

This book gives you a deep insight about the Trump administration and how they are dealing things in local and global politics. After firing of James Comey by Trump, he paved way for Robery Mueller to become the independent special counsel. This resulted in FBI to open an official investigation against the president, Trump himself. A chain of events were set in motion with this appointment and the subsequent investigation, which would link in unprecedented mortal combat of 2 pivotal institutions of the U.S. democracy, the Presidency and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). The FBI being the investigative body of the Department of Justice has a lot at stake in this situation and a lot to prove as well.

Deep State

There is absolutely no room for compromise. The situation would only define the winners and the losers and nothing in between. However, a lot of room or potential is there for collateral damage. The repute of both sides has been dented a lot already and this shouldn’t get severe any further.

Den of Thieves and Blind Eye books are also written by James B. Stewart. Both are nonfictional, but gives a totally different perspective of the writer in comparison to the book under discussion here. These recommended books are related with business management and factual criminal stories respectively.



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