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Stephen King is an author whose name doesn’t require any introduction. He is the most popular contemporary writer of fiction and more specifically horror fiction genre. If It Bleeds and The Stand are other two immensely popular novels that are masterfully written by Stephen King. Elevation is a genre fiction novel, which became a huge hit for its highly inspiring story and characters.

Stephen King himself narrated this novel which is also the last one he has done so far. He also read a bonus story in this novel with the name of Laurie. It is a really special bonus story which is only available in audio form and not in print version.


Elevation is the last book written by the legendry Stephen King. It tells a moving and an extraordinary story of a man whose weird affliction resulted in bringing a very small town together. It is an upbeat and a timely tale of finding a common connection despite having a lot of deep-rooted differences.

Scott Carey doesn’t look an inch different but he has been losing weight quite rapidly. There were a few other odd things as well. He used to weigh exactly the same in his clothes as he would out of them, even if the clothes are too heavy. He never liked to be prodded or poked at all. He usually just want to have someone else to know and then Dr. Bob Ellis is the one who he trust the most.

The book stood as number one in New York Times. The book is an antidote to our discordant culture and as gloriously joyful as any other book from the legend, Stephen King.


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