Outer Dark

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Strange sort of stories continue and though the stories look surprising but nothing about them is found fictional. Scenes as well as characters are real all the time; we witness the originality of scene in The Road and Blood Meridian . The struggle of each character makes us pray for his or her success but not everyone can succeed in a story. No heroes once again in the story that is about a brother and sister who get mixed in a strange sort of forbidden relationship.

The sister gives birth to her brother’s child and thus in order to hide the evidence of their sin the brother takes the newly born child to the forest and leaves him there. On his return he tells his sister that the child died because of some illness but his plan does not work because soon the sister comes to know about the truth. The motherly love forces the sister to go and look for the child in the dark forest and thus the drama by Cormac McCarthy really starts. On the way the brother and sister find and meet strange people that just add to their miseries and nothing else.

Outer Dark

Story gets scary towards the climax and there are so many dark things that we find in the dark forest. Ed Sala’s narration is outstanding; the narrator conveys the mix emotions of the different characters very well. Novel is so complex that we as audience cannot decide that what should be good for the brother and sister. Whether they should adopt the child as their own or getting rid of it in the first place was the correct decision, no one can give a concrete opinion on it.


Buying Time

Child of God


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