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Police at the Station and They Don’t Look Friendly

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This book six in the Detective Sean Duffy Series is not behind any level. The author Adrian McKinty has beautifully created a masterpiece. It captures a unique way to imagine things.

Though the previous 5 books including I Hear the Sirens in thi heae Street and Gun Street Girl are also wonderfully written. The detective Sean Duffy refers to the wonderful world of thrilling events that are unstoppable and so is your imagination. You can see the characters, the storyline and the overall theme of this novel is very well-woven.

Due to the interconnected yet explorable happenings, you can see how mystery develops in front of you.  The narrator Gerard Doyle also adds to the perfection of this book.

Police at the Station and They Don’t Look Friendly

The storyline, characters and the overall novel surely keep you indulged into the mesmerizing world of imagination.This book is based on thrilling mysteries and investigation ventures. It has also won Ned Kelly awards 2017 proving that nothing is there to stop the impact of this novel onto your minds.

The story is around Belfast in the year 1988 who has been killed ferociously in front of his house. Now the mystery is there, detectives will be exploring who killed him and why they did so.But this is not so simple. While uncovering the murderers, detective Duffy will be knowing the untapped truth that will blow his mind for sure. And not only the detective, you will also feel surprised.

Duffy will have to dig his own grave while investigating and reaching a turning point. The threatening conditions and the unknown forces keep haunting Duffy until he finds a way out.

The vastness of this story, the overall feel and everything behind is perfectly narrated so that you won’t feel disappointed.



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