Simple Genius

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Since the day the two have met they have been facing crucial cases and life has not been easy for both of them. Conspiracies on a national and international level have left them battered but they have been successful in surviving till now. Warm enemies made in the previous cases can pounce back on them but this is the risk with which they will live throughout their lives. Along with these cases and demons, King and Maxwell have their issues to deal with. Such a condition forces King to pay some more serious attention towards his partner who has been acting strange. King takes Maxwell to a hospital where she can relax for a while and get the full attention of the doctors present there.

Simple Genius

With her mind constantly working in different directions Maxwell finds for her a case linked to the hospital. Sean working alone in the private company which he and Michelle usually run takes a case that promises a good amount of money. The case is linked to Monk Turing’s murder. When the investigation is launched the CIA and FBI get directly involved in the case and it becomes tough for Sean to save his life in such circumstances.

The man is also worried about Michelle who is alone in a terrible situation at the hospital. David Baldacci does not put both characters in the same case apparently like Split Second and First Family. Later the path of the two detectives collides at the climax and they become able to help each other that they always do. Scott Brick is like a yardstick in narration for the newcomers, the way Scott narrates thrillers is exemplary for every generation.


Split Second

First Family


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. King Maxwell Series Bk 3 Simple Genius 1 of 3
  • 03. King Maxwell Series Bk 3 Simple Genius 2 of 3
  • 04. King Maxwell Series Bk 3 Simple Genius 3 of 3

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