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The novel by Mark Dawson is a thriller and also focuses on the most deadly topic these days and that is the issue of terrorists in the form of sleepers that are implanted by the different governments of the world in different countries so that they can be used whenever the need arises or for the fulfillment of a secret goal.

John Milton and his colleague Michael Pope the group fifteen elite agents find themselves in a fix when they are given the task to solve the case of a Russian defector who was murdered in an English town near the seaside. The cause of the murder is unknown at first but one thing is clear that it was the job of a sleeper which would mean one thing that there are more such sleepers hidden in the country that should be brought to light otherwise it would become a cause of national security.


The things become tougher for the two agents when they fail to find any clue that could lead them to the culprits also there is another issue with Milton that doesn’t let him give his full energies to the case, he is continuously haunted by the ghosts or souls of the people that the has killed during his career for the fulfillment of different mission.

Milton fails to forget his past after he remains alcoholic inmost part of the novel. The story is surely a race against time in which the two agents must complete their mission before the next murder which could be one of them as well. David Thorpe’s narration settles nicely with the whole drama and high heat of the sleepers’ mission.


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