Some Choose Darkness

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Charlie Donlea adds extra details of police procedural in his novel which really attract us but at some occasions when the procedural become too lengthy they can tense you as well. Still the interest in the mysteries is never lost at all. Charlie’s description is again as if he himself was present at the situations when the thing was happening or an event was taking place. Such things can be felt in his other works as well like The Girl Who Was Taken and Summit Lake.

Rory Moore a forensic re-constructionist opens an old case in front of us at the start of the novel as she gets a phone call that forces her to see the whole case a second time. The case was closed years ago because there were no clues of murder and now it is being diagnosed from a whole new angle.

Some Choose Darkness

Things one after the other emerges on to the scene that really creates havoc in the minds of those who once thought it to be a simple or plain case. It was 1979 when a killer slaughtered five women with no clue about where they were buried and then Angela tried to help the police in the case.

Unluckily Angela too disappeared and then the case was left incomplete. Now the killer is getting a parole on Angela’s murder and the rest of the killings were never proved. Rory on the other hand thinks that she can complete the unfinished case by the help of the clues that her father possessed. Nina Alvamar’s narration in her clear voice portrays everything in a neat manner and though there are no emotions attached to her voice but still it goes along well.

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