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Discworld is one of the most widely read series in the world of today, with its versatile characters the series just grips the listener and then it does not let go. One book and then another just keep on coming from the pen of Terry Pratchett with a cool impact on the mind of the listener.

There is mystery about this world, the sort that just keep on getting more and more complicated. One character more famous than anyone else is Rincewind a magician who does not have the skill but the author has provided him with the much needed luck. Again the issue comes to him for a solution because magic has hit the land once again.


Magicians all over the world are going down in front of the new wizard who has emerged on the land. Enemy happens to be a true powerhouse and thus is untouchable; fighting is something that appears much later. Rincewind thinks that he is once again in need of a team for the mission to save the Discworld. First one who gets selected is Conina who happens to be a hairdresser and then there is a genie who is more interested in the lamp industry rather than the mission. As for the muscle in the team they have Nijel who is also known as the Destroyer.


Nigel Planer does not try to overdo things in narration; all the characters are given the same accent but their dialogues differentiate them. Guards! Guards! and Mort can be given a chance after listening to this tale but here magic dominates purely in this book. Terry has never used so much magic in any other part before this one. Another fun element is the warriors that Rincewind chooses, they are totally misfits in appearance but they get the job done in the end.



Wyrd Sisters


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Discworld 05 - Sourcery - 01
  • 03. Discworld 05 - Sourcery - 02
  • 04. Discworld 05 - Sourcery - 03
  • 05. Discworld 05 - Sourcery - 04
  • 06. Discworld 05 - Sourcery - 05
  • 07. Discworld 05 - Sourcery - 06
  • 08. Discworld 05 - Sourcery - 07

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