Wyrd Sisters

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A wizard took a lot of things away from the people of the Discworld in Sourcery and here there are three witches to take the destruction to the next level. The three Wyrd sisters interfere in every public and political affair of the land, so nothing is beyond their reach. Secret murders and change of crowns overnight has become a part of their routine.

No one is safe in Discworld and another force is required that can fight for light against the darkness that has fallen on the land. That is just the appearance of the three sisters from the inside they want to clean up the mess that has brought havoc to their world. Among the heirs to the throne they are actually looking for the one true king that deserves to rule the Discworld.

Wyrd Sisters

Though they don’t use the heroic ways and look treacherous from the outside but their motive is positive. Because of all this Terry Pratchett has not introduced another hero in the story to stop the three apparently mad witches. Celia Imrie narrates the character of the three witches and there was a dire need of more than one narrator because the voices of three ladies tend to mix in this way.

If you listen to the book without any skip only then you can understand who is talking and when. Audience should fasten its seat belts after this because Pyramids is coming after this one. Every book that Terry creates surpasses the previous one in plot and portraying of the scenes. Lot of magic is seen in the last two books so we can also hope that the next book brings a change.





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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters - 01
  • 03. Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters - 02
  • 04. Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters - 03
  • 05. Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters - 04
  • 06. Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters - 05
  • 07. Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters - 06
  • 08. Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters - 07
  • 09. Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters - 08
  • 10. Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters - 09

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