Storm Prey

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John Sandford again is successful in keeping up with the good record that he has in making this series on top of the best selling chart for the last twenty years.

Stories are presented in a layer form and these layers are so compact that we enjoy peeling them one after the other and then finally reaching the core of the plot. Not only the hero, the villains of the stories is challenging masterminds making life of the hero tough at every step.

Nothing is predictable or routine thing, there is a different spice in every tale and a different aspect of the society is revealed. Richard Ferrone has become a permanent part of the narration department that too is one of strengths of the series because the man possesses a classic voice. This twentieth part is similar to previous one Wicked Prey in one way i.e it is connected to Davenport’s family.

Storm Prey

The beginning is simple there has been a robbery incident in the local hospital pharmacy and all the people on the spot were taken care of by the busters.

They cleared the place up without leaving any clue and then while they were in a hustle to leave the place they were confronted by a woman. That woman a sure threat for the villain happens to be the wife of famous investigator Lucas Davenport.

Davenport must do things quick this time as the next target of that gang is his wife who can possibly recognize them. Even if she cannot recognize them at least the gang is sure that she is an eminent threat to their safety and must be eradicated at all cost.


Wicked Prey

Buried Prey


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. 01 of 09 - Storm Prey
  • 03. 02 of 09 - Storm Prey
  • 04. 03 of 09 - Storm Prey
  • 05. 04 of 09 - Storm Prey
  • 06. 05 of 09 - Storm Prey
  • 07. 06 of 09 - Storm Prey
  • 08. 07 of 09 - Storm Prey
  • 09. 08 of 09 - Storm Prey
  • 10. 09 of 09 - Storm Prey

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